Technical Journeys of Asturian Pre-Romanesque
To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the inscription in the World Heritage List of the UNESCO of the Asturian Pre-Romanesque, the General Directorate of Heritage of the Principality of Asturias has designed a program of cultural activities
Cave of Lumentxa
The cave of Lumentxa is placed in the community of Lekeitio, and there is a principal panel with two bison, inside one of them, you can recognize vestiges of a head of a horse.
Photogrammetric raising Cave of Askondo
During September and October 2015, Dogram made the photogrammetric raising of the current state of the Cave of Askondo (Mañaria) for the Department of Culture and Euskera of the Floral Deputation of Bizkaia. It is about a prehistorical sanctuary of Clovis Point chronology (23.000 B.P).
Cave Venta Laperra
The cave of Venta Laperra situated in Karrantza, Bizkaia, has an intake throat, vestibule, balcony and sanctuary. In the last one we can find the majority of the representations in the shape of engraving.
Camarin de la Virgen, Santuario de las Virtudes
Dogram has carried out in December 2014 the photogrammetric and topography survey of the current status of camarín de la Virgen, el zaguán, which provides access, and the dome and dome basement of Santuario de las Virtudes, project commissioned by the council of Santa Cruz de la Mudela, Ciudad Real.
3D-ARCH 2015
The results of the work of our team on acquisition and reproduction of surface appearance got the best paper award in the 6th International Workshop 3D-ARCH 2015.