Articles and congress appearances

Along our company journey, our experts attend exhibitions and present conference papers around the world related to the related fields. Browse below the latest paper releases featuring Dogram:

  • 42 Reunión de Sociedad Nuclear Española. Digitalización del extremo superior de los ejes de accionamiento de los internos para la obtención de
    sus dimensiones. Reunión virtual 2020
  • I Congreso Nacional sobre Documentación y Arqueometría del Arte Rupestre. Ciudad Real 2016
  • 3D ARCH 15, International Workshop. Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures. ISPRS, Ávila 2015
  • 6th International Meeting ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 Ciudad Real 2014
  • Digital Heritage International Congress Marsella 2013

Cachero, R., & Abello, C. (2015). Stereo-photometric techniques for scanning micrometer scaleVirtual Archaeology Review6(13), 72.

Pérez, A., Cachero, R., Navarro, S., Jordá, F., López, D., Lerma, J. L., & Martos, A. (n.d.). Digital reconstruction of the church of San Ildefonso in Zamora (Spain) using orthoware.