Ceramic pattern for laser equipment calibration
The use of reverse engineering equipment for dimensional and geometric control is becoming increasingly common, as their versatility and precision make them a viable option [...]
3D Digitization of Tudela Veguín Cement Plant
The Tudela Factory, located in Tudela Veguín, a locality within the municipality of Oviedo, dates back to 1898, being considered as Spain's first cement factory. [...]
International Partnership to Support South Europe´s fabrication activities
Situated 16 kilometers off the northwest coast of France in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc within the English Channel, the Saint Brieuc wind farm, developed [...]
3D Digitization and Metrology 4.0 in the Offshore Wind sector
Baltic Eagle, described by Iberdrola as its second major offshore wind project in the Baltic Sea, is a facility designed to supply renewable energy [...]
International Partnership to Support South Europe´s fabrication activities
Situated 16 kilometers off the northwest coast of France in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc within the English Channel, the Saint Brieuc wind farm, developed [...]
Marqués de Casa Valdés 2 y 4 (Gijón)
Photogrammetric survey of the current state and study of the façade of the buildings 2 and 4 on Marqués de Casa Valdés Street forGoya Intercontinental.