Photogrammetric survey of the current state and study of the façade of the buildings 2 and 4 on Marqués de Casa Valdés Street forGoya Intercontinental.
These are two buildings of eclectic / modernist style dating from the early twentieth century that are included in the Urban Catalog of the City Council of Gijón as elements of Architectural Heritage with Partial protection. These are currently in disuse and the promoter Goya Intercontinental will imminently address a comprehensive rehabilitation in which the original façade of the buildings must be respected.
The documentation, in the shape of orthographies, serves as technical, reliable and objective documentation of the appearance and condition of the façade. This is the basis on which the architect has done its pathological study and the intervention proposal for its conservation.
To carry out the photogrammetric survey, the technical planning of the positions and heights of the photographs was first elaborated to complete the total reproduction of the facade, as well as the identification of singular points for its use as control points. When the process of study and planning of field work was completed, the on-site photographing and the associated topographic survey were started, with 427 high-resolution digital photographs and 12 topographic control points.
From the data collected, work in the office was completed, including the processing of photographs, three-dimensional restitution, scaling and obtaining a dense and textured threedimensional model. From this model the orthophotography at 1/10 scale was obtained.

Miniatura de la ortofografía realizada como documentación técnica de estado actual
The pathological study was done about the ortophotograph of current status, with exact location of each of the lesions and customization them by a code of patterns and colors for quick identification on the façade. This analysis is complemented with a diagnostic sheet that contains information on each of the pathologies detected, including a description about lesions, the construction system and the surface affected by them, and a reflection on the origin and severity of each one. Finally, based on the study, an intervention proposal was
presented with the intention of returning the façade to its original state.