Digitalization and creation of virtual replica through photogrammetric techniques of nine sculptures, belonging to the exposition Maestro Mateo of the Museo Nacional del Prado.
The object of this project was to document the current state of the pieces in order to offer additional guarantees to their conservation through preventive register. In addition to the possibilities of being used for the diffusion of the original pieces through interactive 3D galleries, videos, online content, pubbications…
The exposition Maestro Amado was organized together by the Fundación Catedral of Santiago, the Real Academia Gallega de Bellas Artes and the Museo Nacional del Prado.

Elías: réplica con textura de alta resolución

David: réplica con textura de alta resolución

Salomón: réplica con textura de alta resolución

Figura con cartela: réplica con textura alta resolución

Issac: réplica con textura de alta resolución

Enoc: réplica sin textura

Rey Bíblico: réplica sin textura

Cabeza masculina: réplica sin textura

Abraham: réplica sin textura